The Need for Speed (Wheel Speed Sensor Maintenance)
March 29, 2020
Today's vehicles have some pretty amazing technology in them, including a computerized braking system we all pretty much take for granted these days. Antilock brake systems (ABS) have been around for years but they help drivers stop in much shorter distances reliably than ever before. When you ... More

Chilly Warning (Diagnosing a Noise in Cold Vehicle)
March 22, 2020
When the weather gets colder, sometimes the noises your vehicle makes will change. For example, you may notice a whining sound when you get going in the morning. It may go away when the vehicle warms up, but it's best not to ignore that sound because it could be a warning of worse things to com... More

St. Johns Car Owners Ask: Why Do I Need to Change My Serpentine Belt?
March 15, 2020
Any St. Johns driver who understands preventive maintenance knows that if it ain't broke, don't fix it is bad auto advice. Replacing a part before it breaks is much less costly for St. Johns residents than repairing the engine damage that comes after a part breaks or fails. A good example of th... More

Good Timing: Proper Timing Belt Replacement Saves Money for St. Johns Drivers
March 8, 2020
Knowing how their engine works can help St. Johns drivers make informed decisions about auto care and prevent repairs to their vehicles. This is especially true when it comes to timing belts.An engine's power is generated in the cylinders. Inside the cylinder is a piston that moves up and down ... More

What is a TSB? (Technical Service Bulletins)
March 1, 2020
If your vehicle had something in its design or production that the manufacturer had figured out had an unanticipated problem, you'd want to know about it. And you'd want it fixed. There is something that can help drivers with just such a scenario. It's called a Technical Service Bulletin, or TSB.... More